Justin Bieber’s performance at the wedding of Mukesh Ambani’s son, India’s richest man, has ignited controversy. Reports claim the Canadian singer was paid a staggering $10 million (approximately ₹76 crore) to perform at the wedding’s sangeet ceremony.
Further fueling the debate, Bieber’s attire – a white ribbed tank top and track pants worn over plaid boxers – has also come under fire on social media. Some users have called the hefty fee and casual outfit “excessive spending” and “disrespectful.”
While some view Bieber’s performance as a highlight of the lavish wedding, others question the necessity of hiring a foreign artist at such a cost, especially with India’s abundance of talented performers.
The Ambani wedding celebrations have featured a string of celebrity performances, including Rihanna, Katy Perry, Backstreet Boys, and David Guetta. The entire wedding ceremony is estimated to cost the Ambani family a staggering $320 million (approximately ₹2,432 crore).
This isn’t the first time the Ambanis’ extravagant spending has made headlines. Mukesh Ambani’s daughter Isha’s 2018 wedding was known for similar grandeur. The presence of international celebrities and the exorbitant costs of both weddings have sparked discussions on social media.